Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Keep yourself busy with Seva - one of the key message from Guruji from todays satsang

Keep yourself busy with Seva,

  • when your hands and hearts and busy and mind is empty
  • unconditional love in action
  • doing seva is seeing GOD in everything around you
  • being connect with the present moment
  • the journey is long yet the goal in the moment is complete in itself
these are some of the quotes from the great teacher Guruji,   he is awesome

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring 2011 Service events - Released

Most important things to set a goal

Today Satsang someone asked Guruji what are the most important things to set goals,

Guruji answered,

1) Define the goal very clearly

2) Identify and evaluate its repercussion or the effect of the goal

3) Identify the means to achieve the goal

4) Be flexible with the means not all means will lead to the goal and be flexible

then he said you can add more to that,   

so I add one more "be patient and Perseverance", anyone else to add to this point?  please share with us